Speaker: Pastor Peter Courlas
Date: January 29, 2017
MAIN POINT: Peace needs to be the final rule in your heart and mind
1. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts
2. Be part of the Body of Christ actively fostering peace
3. Remain in the Word
5. Live for the Lord
Discussion Questions:
Life & Heart Application Questions:
Prayer Focus:
Pray the Word will dwell richly in us as a body at Calvary Fellowship. Pray that we will be a people who foster peace.
Date: January 29, 2017
MAIN POINT: Peace needs to be the final rule in your heart and mind
1. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts
2. Be part of the Body of Christ actively fostering peace
3. Remain in the Word
- pursuing the wisdom of the Word
- teaching and counseling one another with the Word
- singing over one another with the Word
5. Live for the Lord
Discussion Questions:
- What does verse 15 say is supposed to rule in your heart?
- What is the role of the Body and gratitude as they relate to peace?
- What does it mean to allow the word to "dwell richly within you?"
- What does wisdom mean? how do we grow in wisdom? (vs. 16)
- Why are psalms, hymns, spiritual songs essential to fostering peace and wisdom in a life?
- Why is gratitude an essential in the christian walk?
Life & Heart Application Questions:
- How can we better be individuals, and a faith community that work to foster peace?
- What steps can you take this week to dwell more richly in the word?
- What ways do we need to get a deeper perspective on the breadth and role of worship music?
- How can you live a life of deeper gratitude?
- How can your words or deeds be offered in the name of the Lord Jesus?
Prayer Focus:
Pray the Word will dwell richly in us as a body at Calvary Fellowship. Pray that we will be a people who foster peace.