8:00AM Prayer Gathering (Prayer Room) 9:00AM Adult Class: Revelation (Fellowship Hall) 10:30AM Matthew (Sanctuary) CalvaryKIDS: Book of Judges Nursery (Babies & Toddlers) |
Adults: EQUIP Wednesdays Youth: Matthew (Fellowship Hall) Riverbank Kids: Life of Christ (Lower Level) |
Men's & Women's Prayer and Bible Study Men: Psalms (Prayer Room) Women: Esther (Fellowship Hall) *children are welcomed to come and play |
Calvary South Dayton is a
Christ-centered community devoted to making mature disciples who are EQUIPPED in the Word, EMPOWERED by the Spirit, RENEWED & TRANSFORMED, for the sake of the gospel and the glory of God. Acts 2:42, 47, Matthew 18:19-20; Ephesians 4:12-13; Romans 12:1-2; Revelation 4:11 |
CLICK HERE for Calvary Chapel Distinctives teaching videos! CLICK HERE for Calvary Chapel Distinctives eBook by Pastor Chuck Smith |